Скачать Raxco InstantRecovery Server - восстановит систему от атак вымогателей

СистемаRaxco InstantRecovery Server

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Raxco InstantRecovery Server

InstantRecovery восстанавливается от атак вымогателей в одно мгновение. Загрузочные системные снимки позволяют мгновенно восстанавливать рабочие столы и ноутбуки за время, необходимое для перезагрузки.

Ransomware Recovery
Recover from a ransomware attack in the time it takes to reboot. Reinstalling Windows and all your applications is slow and painful step in ransomware recovery. InstantRecovery can restore your system back to its pre-attack condition in just minutes. Don’t spend days rebuilding or reimaging your system when InstantRecovery can do the job with a few clicks.

In the event of a Ransomware/Malware attack, failed system patch or application update or any software-related event that renders the system corrupt or unbootable, InstantRecovery restores your sytem to its original operating condition instantly upon reboot.

Multiple Snapshots and Differentials
InstantRecovery supports multiple snapshots enabling users to capture different system conditions. Each snapshot is bootable and will return the system to the specified system condition. InstantRecovery also supports differential snapshots where only the data that has changed is copied to the target snapshot. All snapshots support the Data Anchoring option.

Export/Import for Backup and Archiving
InstantRecovery snapshots can be exported to a file for backup or archiving purposes. If predefined container files have been created the user can specify the maximum size of the chunks of data to be exported to each container file. Reciprocally, the specified backup or archive files can be imported back to the system.

Flexible Scheduling
Snapshot updates can be scheduled to run at regular interval using the convenient Scheduling wizard. Multiple schedules can be set for specific times or on a daily or weekly basis. The default snapshot can be used to update multiple target snapshots.

Patented Data Anchoring and Recovery
InstantRecovery’s patented Data Anchoring technology sets it apart from other imaging solutions. One of the issues with recovery from images is that the data is only as good as the last image. With InstantRecovery users can recover their system and selected user data using Data Anchoring. Files and folders can be “anchored” so they are available to any image the system uses to reboot. This means user files are available up to the point of failure provided they have been identified as anchored files.

ОС: Windows 10, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 7, Vista, XP Server 2016 and Server 2019/2012/2012 R2/2008/2008 R2/2003/2000

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